This brilliant training aid is so simple yet so effective.
It is a single strand of thick rope elastic with a snaphook at either end.
It can be used in a number of different ways:
- As a chambon, with the centre of the neck stretcher on top of the horse’s poll, threading down through the bit and fastening between the horse’s legs. Suitable for lungeing and riding.
- As side reins, with the centre of the neck stretcher on top of the horse’s poll, threading down through the bit and fastening on either side of the horse to the girth. Suitable for lungeing and riding.
The neckstretcher works by creating gentle poll pressure as well as movement of the bit.
These two factors encourage the horse to lower his head and neck as well as to soften in the mouth thus building up muscle along the horse’s ‘top line’.
The length is easily adjustable at the poll.
Due to its elasticity it is very unlikely to encourage the horse to lean.